
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Assalamualaikum peeps (^.^) Selamat melangkah ke tahun baru ...2012.. so ,basically takde mende sangat pun nak celebrate bagai new year ni. its just like enter to the next day. it's not the big deal la . for a mom maybe they wanna add up their kids, for kids, they just enter school with different grades. seems goes to my youngest sister. she had to sit for UPSR this year. somehow no longest living as student life.. and ME no longest will be single Cause i'm gonna married soon yaWwWw... hehehe i felt so happy for my self and my sister. we both will married at the same day. (ignore others taught) in islamic law, there was never had any ruled set by ALLAH siblings cannot married together in the same day except married with your mahram is"haram" so what say you? are you going to tease me like other .>>>> "jgn nikah sekali nanti one up one down" i just pekak kan telinga je bila ada mulut2 longkang yang ckp mcm tu. can you guys just blessed our marriage. that's is the reason why we invited you to comes to our wedding bukan untuk doa yang TIDAK2 je.. doakan je lah kebaikan both will get the PAHALA. its'nt. so hari ni i nak story molly to you guys what are my preparation which almost done
1) HIV Test --done--
2) Perlepasan Nikah (Groom ) --done--
3) Perlepasan Nikah (Bride) --done---
the best part for 2&3 ,the borang had been "diluluskan" by JAIS thank you so much
4) Hantaran --done--
5) Gubahan Hantaran --on going--
6) Baju Nikah -- done--
this is the saddest part in my life.. but ALLAH promise something good for me later InsyaALLAH
7) Andaman & Pelamin --done--
8) Katering --done--
9) Doorgift --done--
so adelah additional things yg i kena add up.. but just stop till here.. x tau lah bile nak continuenye..
p/s : all picture for wedding preparation will be uploaded after marriage.. untuk menjaga kesegaran idea katenye..hehe..

thanks readers yang sudi stalker blog ni .. keep supporting me in writing my journal. this my beginning and i hope to continue as i know i can ... so maybe this will be a longest leave for me cause i;m going to focused for my wedding preparation only.. thank you reader.. <3 from heart. doakan semua berjalan lancar... ;)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do It Yoursef aka DIY or They do for you

Wah tajuk entry macam poem dah kan... huhu .. tengah tenat memikirkan untuk hantaran kte. nak DIY je or tempah kat orang. I dont know (please help me ) T.T. klu ikut my budget for sure hanya cukup untuk DIY je. Tp kekreatifan tu (x) setakat gam&tampal tu ok lah.. tp bab men'deco' ni failed. Adeh (^.^)! barang dah beli separuh, tp kerja2 menggubah belum terlaksana.. huhu SEDIH! this week nak pi kedai aunty dekat cheras balankong. Kat situ senang dapat polystren pillow@RM 3.90. last time dah pi cr2 kt jalan tar and shah alam tp (x). Last week hari rabu pi test make-up dekat butik. Kak Shima super duper baik and Kak Tim aka make up artist sy nanti ,her make - up touch from her soul, it awesome. Org kate bebelanja lebih untuk kepuasan sekali je kan.. please2 back to the story.. i'll try my best by end of this week to ensure all the bantal yg comey2 tu siap... bab bunga i;l handover to my lovely aunty.she was good in decoration but sometimes i think i wanna do it my self. Jealous tgk org buat hantaran sendiri .. grrrrr .insyaALLAH lagi 1 month and 2 weeks ni everything will goes well..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ya ALLAH permudahkan urusan ku

Sedetik berlalu sedetik juga aku akan melangkah ke alam baru. Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan.. Ya ALLAH aku mohon Kau lapangkan dadaku dan permudahkan urusanku. itu lah doa yang ku minta saban hari. InsyaALLAH pasti yang sempit di perluaskan, yang kecil di pebesarkan. Harap semua impian menjadi kenyataan InsyaALLAH ....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sy Terlupa (- -)!!

Huh duk pk2 pop corn home made yg hangus di dapur terlupa nak upload baju nikah we ollss.. sory uollsss (^ ^).. so sape2 yg nak berdesign ala2 baju ni pun boleh.. di benar kan.. tp minta kebenaran cik Blog dulu ye b4 right klik mouse anda

Me ,CiK AbAnG & Our Baju Nikah

Hi Uolls, How's ur saturday? mesti best kan sebab korang cuti.. but not for me.. (- -)!!! so what to do.. kena juga kerja utk berbakti demi company tercinta. B4 sampai rumah i telah singgah menyinggah di beberapa destinasi hahaha macam bercuti pulak kan (^.^)! i all the hutang2 and lastly pergi ambil baju nikah.. wah cepat kan siap2 my express tailor katekan (mate ke atas) hahaha.. bila tengok kalendar it left 2 months to go. but My preparation almost done.. hahaha baju je la kan.. pastu makan x yah bergambar pun xyah..akad nikah je ..korang boleh?SEDIH.. btw i nak jugak selit2kan gambar me and my cik abang masa I konvo.. enjoy ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My BiG Day & Lagu Carta Hati SY (^.^)

Carta Dalam Hati Sy ;)

1) Aishteru by Zivilia Band
2) Penghujung Cintaku by Pasha Ungu
3)Penghujung Cintaku

Haish sejak 2 menjak nak kahwin ni hati makin feeling2 nak dengar2 lagu romance2 mcm ni.. hope korang enjoy while scrolling down your mouse ..ayoyo maaf yea pada pembenci bahasa rojak.. i'm used to be like that.. by the way yesterday was my convocation day. A big THANKS to my Mom & Dad who always support me in whatever circumstances. I'll always pray ALLAH bless everything that you give to me.. and especially my siblings who always become my no1 supporter in everything that i have done. Last but not least enjoyed the picture ok ;) ada sedikit kesilapan sewaktu mengambil scroll di harap anda x perasan.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

3 years with Love+Sadness+Memory & Happiness

Hi korang.. today i kena pergi UiTM.. I kena ambil Jubah Konvo.. baru lah rasa macam mana graduation kan.. full of happiness after what you have been trough along the way to complete your study. 24th October 2011 will be my Convocation Day. yipee so happy.. 3 years in BBA of Finance. i ada attach a few pre convo with my beloved friend nad and bell.. unfortunately Mila kena balik awl sbb dia nak hanta her sister balik sabak bernam.Enjoyed guys =)